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Tebesaya Cottage Ubud

Banjar Tebesaya, Desa Peliatan
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This popular property enjoys a privileged location in Ubud . There are a total of 12 rooms on the premises. The property is wheelchair-accessible. Check-out is at 12 pm . Pets are allowed on the premises. Large pets are also allowed on the premises. Tebesaya cottages is located at tebesaya village in Ubud only walking distance to ubud monkey forest. Situated in the in the heart of Ubud Tebesaya village is the living of famous traditional painter artist. Featuring twelve deluxe rooms design in mix Balinese and modern architecture, beautiful setting garden with frangipani and orchid surrounded two swimming pool with various art scape. At Tebesaya Cottage, where the harmonious life awaken in heart of Ubud arts