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Soneca plaza hotel

Rua dos timbiras 502
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a:13:{i:0;s:5:"Wi-Fi";i:1;s:15:"Air Conditioned";i:2;s:8:"Elevator";i:3;s:10:"Restaurant";i:4;s:13:"24h Security ";i:5;s:10:"Free Wi-Fi";i:6;s:14:"24H RECEPTION*";i:7;s:16:"Air Conditioning";i:8;s:9:"Amenities";i:9;s:2:"TV";i:10;s:9:"Telephone";i:11;s:8:"Mini-bar";i:12;s:9:"Free Wifi";}

The Soneca Plaza Hotel, inaugurated in 2011, is located in one of the most traditional hotels area in the center of São Paulo, on Calle de los Timbiras, about 200 meters from the República metro station, which has the service of Airport Service, executive bus that joins the Capital to the International Airport of Guarulhos. With 70 apartments, the Soneca follows the line of cheap hotels, with a modern interior design and extreme good taste. It is installed in the central region of São Paulo and close to the República metro station and the São João and Ipiranga avenues, close to major event centers in the city. The hotel is 4.7 km from Anhembi and 6.9 km from Expo Center Norte; ideal for those seeking practicality, without sacrificing quality in hotel services. The apartments have private bathroom, LCD TV (24 inches), air conditioning, telephone, minibar and free Wi-Fi internet. Breakfast is included in the price of the room without the additional service charge. The hotel maintains an agreement with a nearby car park.