This sophisticated hotel is in Dubai. A total of 281 rooms are available for guests convenience at Paramount Hotel Midtown. In addition, Wi-Fi access is offered at the hotel. The reception desk is open all day long. Cots are not available at Paramount Hotel Midtown. Paramount Hotel Midtown understands that accessibility is important to all guests. For this reason, it features wheelchair accessible guest rooms and is fully adapted for easy access. There is a car park at Paramount Hotel Midtown. This hotel has been designed with a conscious effort to adhere to the strictest ecological standards and features the certification. Everyone staying at this accommodation may avail for airport transfer service. This accomodation takes pride in offering a choice of dining facilities which serve delicious culinary specialities. There are business facilities and services for guests added convenience. The establishments gastronomic option is sure to enchant visitors with refined cuisine and enchanting ambience. Thanks to the wide range of health amenities, those staying at this hotel will be able to indulge themselves during their stay. The propertys entertainment offer ensures that there is never a dull moment. Paramount Hotel Midtown may charge a fee for some services.