Hotel Details

Oyo 89831 Sri Sena Hotel

Jalan Medan Niaga, Taman Seri firdaus, Jalan Kam,
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Located in Kangar, the capital city of Perlis, OYO 89831 Sri Sena Hotel offers accommodation for travellers. A few activities one can do here include, take an evening walk at Taman Awam Bukit Lagi, learn about history at Kota Kayang Museum, or marvel at the beauty of Islamic structure at Masjid Al Hussain. The nearest airport is in Kepala Batas, which is approximately 50 km from the hotel. During the stay, guests can utilize the amenities provided that include air-conditioning, TV, and free Wi-Fi. There is also a parking facility provided for the guests convenience along with CCTV cameras placed in public areas for safety precaution.