Hotel Details

Lemon Siam Hostel by ZUZU

10400, Phetchaburi Rd, 497/16
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Lemon Siam Hostel is located on Phetchaburi Road in Bangkok City. Bangkok Art & Culture Centre is just a few minutes walk from here. This property provides services that ensure a comfortable stay for guests of all ages. Basic amenities include complimentary Wi-Fi, AC, intercoms, fans and well-furnished seating areas for the guests to enjoy. - Hotel do not have TV in all rooms, only TV in the lobby - We do not offer free public parking on the premises; only motorbikes are permitted to park on site, while cars are not allowed. - Hotel provide airport pickup service. Guest pays separately from the room fee. Price is 800 baht each time to/from airport-Lemon Siam Hostel. Guest should make advance booking 1 day prior pickup date. - Hotel will charge 5, 000 baht as the fine for those who break the rules. Smoking is prohibited in the rooms.