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Il salotto della regina

Via Riviera di chiaia, 53 1 y
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How is il Salotto della Regina Boutique Hotel born? Il Salotto della Regina is a really new boutique​ ​hotel​ ​in​ ​Naples​ that cames from a precise idea: to bring back the elite atmosphere of the 19th century banquets and carry it in a contemporary dimension. The Naples we want to call forth, its that crucible, the only city that could at that epoch rival the Ville Lumière. “There are two capitals in Europe: Paris and Naples” (Emile Zola) Our guests will experience a preciosity, elegance and intimacy breeze and theyll enjoy a stay rich of comfort and beauty. If youre looking to soak up the real Neapolitan life without sacrificing the luxury of a charming structure, then you are in the right place. The​ ​space​ ​perception​ ​in​ ​the​ ​most​ ​beautiful​ ​boutique​ ​hotels​ ​in​ ​Naples. Not just a boutique hotel but an unconventional space. A modern chic lounge that evokes antique atmospheres. A place to talk about lost topics. Each piece of furniture, each decorative element, its set with a clear intention: to give the feeling of an ancient soul imprinted on modern icons. An idea of a restoration, the restoration not of a simple object but of an age, of a feeling; the restoration of the air breathed by the ingenious minds that were commonly use to discuss in the queens boudoir. Il Salotto della Regina is a very exclusive location where you can organize modern business meetings, conferences and private parties.