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Hotel Fine Garden Horai

4-34-7 Horai, Nara-Shi, Nara-Ken
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LOVE HOTEL, designated for adults only. This hotel in Nara (Japan) just a 20-minute drive from Nara Park and 10 minutes by taxi from the nearest railway station. Guests must visit the Yakushi-ji Temple 15 minutes away on the outskirts of the city. Visitors will find the flexible check-in and check-out times useful and the English-speaking staff in the 24-hour reception will arrange for massages and treatments, and room service is optional. The 30 air-conditioned accommodations are modern, comfortable and stylish. All of them are fully-equipped with en-suite bathrooms, spa bath and a variety of complimentary toiletries for guests convenience. A DVD player and surround-sound speakers are attached to the television for maximum sound & vision pleasure. Customers may park on the premises free of charge and the establishment also has free Wi-Fi/Internet throughout the building.