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Hilton Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

Lentajankuja 1, 1
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Due to the current travel environment, this hotel is currently not accepting guests for a short period. Reservations are available for future dates. Please see below for up-to-date policy information and ways to contact Hilton Guest Assistance. We look forward to welcoming you to the hotel soon.Only a 3 minute walk from the airport, the contemporary Hilton Helsinki Airport hotel can be reached directly from the terminal via a covered walkway. Revitalize yourself after your flight in the gym and sauna, dine on healthy Finnish cuisine in the Restaurant Gui or unwind in a comfortable, soundproofed guestroom. Travelling is made easier with self-service airline check-in and flight information available at the Lobby. Hilton Helsinki Airport hotel is also well equipped for small or large meetings and events. The modern facilities include a spacious Ballroom, a boardroom, 12 meeting rooms, a dedicated Executive Floor and Lounge, a 24 hour Business Center and parking space for 100 cars in front of the hotel.