Hotel Details

Griya Siena Munduk

Jl. Batugalih, Munduk, Banjar Bali
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Griya Siena Munduk is one of the hotels in Buleleng that is equipped with various facilities to support comfort, such as; non-smoking rooms, Wifi, LED TV, 24-hour front desk, mineral water, toiletries, and parking area. Located in a strategic location, close to Desa Munduk Market (1,6 km), Rice Terrace Munduk (2,4 km), Tamblingan Jungle Track & Lake Canoe Expedition (6,8 km), Bada Rice Terrace (2,2 km), Don Biyu (1,1 km), and Warung Mades Munduk (500 m), you can access Griya Siena Munduk with various public transportation options such as taxis and online transportation.