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Crowne Plaza Ciudad de Mexico Norte Tlalnepantla

Av. Roberto Fulton 2-A
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The hotel has an excellent location, near some places of interest: the Mall World And, Mall Plaza Satellite, Cathedral Centre of Tlalnepantla, Zona Arqueologica de Tenayuca and of the Ex-estate of Santa Monica. For comfortable and unforgettable stay the hotel possesses the following services: air conditioned in common zones, safety box, change of currency, elevators, cafeteria, bars, room of conferences, room of games, restaurant, service of rooms, service of laundry (laundry room), medical, accessible in wheelchair, bath of steam, gym and more services for the comfort and amusement. The comfortable rooms have 1 or 2 king size beds and feature all the luxurious amentities: cofee maker, hairdryer, iron and ironing board, and wireless internet. Take the highway Mexico-Queretaro. Pass the Plaza Satelite and Plaza Mundo. Take the exit to the right, to the centre of Tlalnepantla. Take the main Av. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. Go straight on for about 200 m. Pass Gustavo Baz, and after 500 m is situated the hotel.