Hotel Details

Comfort Lyon St Exupéry

Aeroport De Lyon Saint Exupery - Espace Fret, 65
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Conditioned hotel has 83 rooms with all amenities for work and leisure stays. At 800 meters from Lyon Saint-Exupéry, 24h / 24h, a free shuttle is available every 30 minutes. The hotel offers free parking for hotel guests only. The parking time is limited to the duration of the hotel stay. A personal welcome awaits you 24h / 24h at our reception. foreign customers, we have qualified staff at your disposal. We have ensured a special comfort in your rooms as well as free access to Wi-Fi. The breakfast (free for children under 12) in the form of buffet, is served from 03:00 until 09:30 on weekdays and until 10:30 on weekends. Our restaurant offers various formulas and menus and is open weekdays from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 19:00 to 22:30 at night. A meal tray can you booked upon request. Business travelers can make use of the conference rooms. Parking is also available for customers drive .