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Clarion Hotel Stockholm

Ringvagen, 98
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The well-being of guests is top of mind at Choice-branded hotels. Guests may experience a variety of new, improved cleanliness protocols and products. When you need to plan a get-together, choose the smoke-free Clarion Hotel Stockholm in Stockholm, SE near the Royal Opera, Casino Cosmopol and the Stockholm Globe Arena. Amenities at our pet-friendly hotel include a free full breakfast, free Internet access, a spa, a restaurant and an indoor pool. All guest rooms have free wireless high-speed Internet and flat-screen TVs with free movie and sports channels. Book now to connect with family, friends and colleagues and explore all the best at Stockholm hotels like our Clarion Hotel Stockholm.There is 24-hour room service and valet parking available. Children 12 and under stay free if sharing room with parents or grandparents when no additional bedding is required. Pet charge: 200 SEK/stay per pet.