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Almas Hotel Bangkok

10250, Ramkhamhaeng, 1,6,8 12
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THE SOULFUL GEM OF BANGKOK Stay at ALMAS..and experience the fascination soul of Bangkok. In additional to well-appointed rooms and convenient amenities, this lustrous diamond offer easy access to the Airport Rail Link, street food hubs, find-dining establishments, and shopping destinations. Dont miss any attractions In Bangkok, when staying at Almas Hotel Bangkok, getting around Bangkok is very convenient. Because this hotel is located in the heart of the city. Travel worry-free while enjoying the excellent services and facilities of Almas Hotel Bangkok. Stay in touch with news and communications. in the online world with internet services Free Wi-Fi throughout your stay for easy access to or from your accommodation Guests can book airport transfers prior to their check-in date with the property. The hotel provides taxi services that will help you get to different places. In Bangkok, comfortable and worry-free The hotel offers free parking for guests who drive. The hotel has a front desk to provide various services. which includes a safety deposit box You dont need to pack a lot of bags to carry clothes. When staying at Almas Hotel Bangkok, this hotel offers a laundry service that will keep your clothes clean and ready to use. Make the most of your room time. With in-room amenities such as daily cleaning service, chill out from morning till evening without having to go out. This hotel is completely non-smoking. Therefore, guests are assured of a good environment. This property allows smoking only in designated smoking areas. Enjoy great in-room amenities at Almas Hotel Bangkok. Available in some guest rooms. Dont worry about getting thirsty when you stay. Because refrigerators are available in some rooms.