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Aeropuerto los Cabos

Acceso al Aeropuerto M-14C L-05
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Late or Early Flights? There is no better way to start or end your visit to Los Cabos that staying in hotel Aeropuerto Los Cabos where you will receive quality service among facilities that combine comfort and luxury. We are located within the area of Los Cabos International Airport, a privileged location that allow us to provide you a personalized care in your free transfer to and from the airport 24-hours throughout the year. As one of our strengths is to offer a relaxed atmosphere where the stress and noise of the city have no place. Among the amenities that the hotel offers is Hangar Restaurant which has a high level of satisfaction in society and especially with our guests. We facilitate your work by offering free wireless Internet access in all hotel areas as well as making available a service business center 24-hours a day. For your convenience we are surrounded by all car rental companies to facilitate your transfer to your major points of interest. Enjoy your stay.